J Joe Eames & Jim Cooper - AngularJS Fundamentals

01.01.Course Introduction.wmv
01.02.Module Introduction.wmv
01.03.Introduction to Angular .wmv
01.04.Angular Architecture.wmv
01.05.Demo - Hello World in Angular.wmv
01.06.The Angular Event Reg Application.wmv
01.07.Angular Seed.wmv
02.02.Controllers and Scope.wmv
02.03.Demo - Controllers.wmv
02.04.Demo 0 Displaying Repeating Information.wmv
02.05.Demo - Handling Events.wmv
02.06.Buil-in Directives.wmv
02.07.Event Directives.wmv
02.08.Other Directives - Part 1.wmv
02.09.Other Directives - Part 2.wmv
02.10.IE Restrictions.wmv
02.13.Built-in Filters.wmv
02.14.Writing Custom Filters.wmv
02.15.Two Way Binding.wmv
02.16.Demo - Two Way Binding.wmv
03.01.Introduction to Services.wmv
03.02.Demo - Creating Your First Custom Service.wmv
03.03.Demo - Another Custom Service Example.wmv
03.04.Introduction to Built-In AngularJS Services.wmv
03.05.Demo - Using the $http and $q Services Together.wmv
03.06.Demo - Using the $rsource and $q Services.wmv
03.07.Demo - Using the $anchorScroll Service.wmv
03.08.Demo - Using the $cacheFactory Service.wmv
03.09.Demo - Using the $compile Service.wmv
03.10.Demo - Using the $parse Service.wmv
03.11.Demo - Using the $locale Service.wmv
03.12.Demo - Using the $timeout Service.wmv
03.13.Demo - Using the $exceptionHandler Service.wmv
03.14.Demo - Using the $filter Service.wmv
03.15.Demo - Using the $cookieStore Service.wmv
03.16.Overview of Less Common Services.wmv
03.17.Suggested Exercises.wmv
04.01.Introduction to Routing.wmv
04.02.Websites of Yore.wmv
04.03.Single Page Applications.wmv
04.04.Demo - Adding Your First Route.wmv
04.05.Demo - More Routing and Browser History.wmv
04.06.Demo - Creating a Default Route.wmv
04.07.Demo - Accessing Parameters from the Route.wmv
04.08.Demo - Using the $route Service.wmv
04.09.Demo - Enabling HTML5 Routing.wmv
04.10.Demo - Template and Resolve Properties.wmv
04.11.Demo - Using the $location Service.wmv
04.13.Suggested Exercises.wmv
05.01.Introduction to Directives.wmv
05.02.Demo - Creating Your First Directive.wmv
05.03.Demo - Domain Specific Language via Custom Elements.wmv
05.04.Demo - Isolating Directive Scope.wmv
05.05.Demo - Exploring Isolate Scope Bindings.wmv
05.06.Demo - Handling Events with Directives.wmv
05.07.Demo - Observing and Responding to Changes.wmv
05.08.Demo - Using Controllers within Directives.wmv
05.09.Demo - Sharing Directive Controllers via Require.wmv
05.10.Demo - Directive Priority and Using Terminal.wmv
05.11.Demo - Using Require with Nested Directives.wmv
05.12.Demo - Understanding Transclusion.wmv
05.13.Demo - Using Compile to Transform the DOM.wmv
05.14.Demo - Making JQuery More Explicit with Directives.wmv
06.02.Installing Karma.wmv
06.03.Karma with Webstorm.wmv
06.04.Testing Controllers.wmv
06.05.3Testing Simple Services.wmv
06.06..Testing Services with Dependencies.wmv
06.07.Testing AJAX Services.wmv
06.08.Testing Filters.wmv
06.09.Testing Directives - Overview.wmv
06.10.Setting up Karma for Testing Directives.wmv
06.11.Testing Directives.wmv
06.12.End to End Testing - Overview.wmv
06.13.Setting up Karma for End to End Testing.wmv
06.14.End to End Testing - Part 1.wmv
06.15.End to End Testing - Part 2.wmv
06.16.Troubleshooting End to End Tests.wmv

Total: 655.15 MB (686,982,610 Bytes) in: 88 File(s)