2020 Talia Wolf - Emotion Sells The Masterclass

#4919 - 'Emotion Sells_ The Masterclass' - talia-wolf-courses_teachable_com_courses_enrolled_119711.jpg
1-About your instructor - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.mp4
2-About the course - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.mp4
3-The Emotional Targeting Foundations - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.mp4
4-The Emotional Targeting Pillars - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.mp4
5-#1- Make It About The Customer - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.mp4
6-#2- Show it, don’t just say it - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.mp4
7-#3- Test Hypotheses, Not Elements - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.mp4
8-The Emotional Targeting Framework - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.MP4
9-Step 1- The questionnaire - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.mp4
10-Step 2- Customer Surveys - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.MP4
11-Step 3- Competitor Research - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.mp4
12-Step 4- Emotional SWOT & Content Strategy - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.mp4
13-Step 5- Filling in the framework - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.MP4
14-The Emotional Power of Colors - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.mp4
15-The Emotional Power of Fonts - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.mp4
16-How to Choose Images - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.mp4
17-Emotional Targeting Framework #1 - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.mp4
18-Emotional Targeting Framework #2 - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.mp4
19-Final lesson- A_B Testing your way to success - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.mp4
20-Emotional Targeting Case Studies - Emotion Sells- The Masterclass.mp4
AB testing checklist.pdf
Beliefs-focused hook worksheet.key
Competitor Research_ Worksheet Masterclass.pptx
Competitor Reviews Analysis (1).xlsx
Competitor Reviews Analysis.xlsx
Copy formulas.pdf
Copy formulas_2.pdf
Customer Survey Rules.pdf
Customer Survey Worksheet.xlsx
Emotional Targeting Framework.pdf
Emotional Targeting Framework_2.pdf
Emotional Targeting Framework_3.pdf
Emotional Targeting Research Summary (1).docx
Emotional Targeting Research Summary.docx
Emotional Targeting Worksheet (1).xlsx
Emotional Targeting Worksheet (2).xlsx
Emotional Targeting Worksheet.xlsx
ET process Recap.docx
Getting Started Questionnaire Worksheet.xlsx
How to find the leaks in your funnel with Jeff Sauer - Emotion Sells- The.MP4
How to go from conversion centric, to customer centric with Jeffrey Eisenberg - Emotion Sells- The.MP4
How to Increase Conversions from your SEO Traffic with Aleyda Solis - Emotion Sells- The.mp4
How to write persuasive copy with Joanna Wiebe - Emotion Sells- The.MP4
Image guidelines & photo sites.pdf
Masterclass checklist.docx
psychological triggers worksheet.pdf
SWOT- Worksheet Masterclass.pdf
The conversion copywriting approach and process.key

Total: 2.61 GB (2,811,812,442 Bytes) in: 49 File(s)